Monday, November 1, 2010

Sugar Rush

I was going to blog today, but then I thought better of it. Perhaps I should wait until the sugar wears off a bit?


Good enough!

I would like to pause our regularly scheduled blogging (what? schedule? theme?) to get on a soapbox. You're surprised, I can tell.

I am going to start listening to Christmas music, BEFORE Thanksgiving. Yes. I AM.

Because there is NOT enough time for all the Christmass-y goodness between Thanksgiving and Christmas. And on that note: perhaps we should rethink the timing of our holidays. I realize it would be, you know, an international incident to MOVE Christmas, but most scholars are completely aware that it wasn't so much because anyone thought Christ was actually born on December 25th. It's more of a symbolic day to celebrate. And I'm fine with that. I think the season is wonderful, and at the blackest, bleakest time of year what is better than focusing on love and faith?
For me though, although I know the shortest day of the year is December, the longest month is definitely January. I mean, aren't you just so done with winter by mid-January?

But, all this is beside the point. Christmas isn't changing. So, my vote is we join Canada and celebrate Thanksgiving in October. It would be fun! It would be very harvest appropriate. AND, it would mean all you scrooge types who yell at me for turning up my holiday cheer starting November 1 wouldn't have anything to complain about anymore.

I feel compelled to admit I'll probably wait a week or two to break out the holiday cheer. I am clinging to fall with all my might. Christmas music means I've accepted winter's inevitable approach. I'm still nursing my denial.


Unknown said...

I'll admit it, I popped over here from the AW YA Blogroll simply because you said you weren't blogging about NaNo. :)

I'm right there with you on the Holiday tunes. Let the cheer begin! (Classical Christmas on XM/Sirius FTW)

Melanie said...

I'm totally laughing my ass off right now because dh and I were just discussing this yesterday. I can't believe how early they start xmas music now. A couple of years ago it always started on Thanksgiving day. That became our tradition, we would blast Xmas music with our feast. Now they start playing it right after Halloween and I know it started because of the tough enconomic times everyone was/is facing. There's no way you can't help but feel all warm and fuzzy and cheery with some good ole fashion Xmas music. We have a special dvd that we burned with all our classic favorites (a very eclectic mix I must add). But, alas, we decided to try and hold out and wait until our traditional time. Too bad one of our main radio stations here won't wait. I'm sure I'll catch a couple of tunes and find myself humming along (and feeling like a cheater :-) LOL)

Unknown said...

Oh my gosh you're the best!!!!I love Christmas and I think the holiday tunes should start playing in November... more time to enjoy :)

Meredith McCardle said...

Ha! You go! I say this as someone who's been known to drive around listening to a Celtic Christmas CD in July. :)

Renee Collins said...

I'm still deeply entrenched in Winter Denial. :) And I actually went on a nice hike today, so I'm sticking to it!

Winter's a LONG way off. Mm-hm. Yep. Nothing to worry about . . .

Heather Dougherty said...

I'm with ya! I'm just going to start linking your site to mine and posting "what she said." or "ditto"