Thursday, December 23, 2010

A Christmas Gift for You

There are lots of reasons I love Christmas (see below post) but most of all I love hanging out with my amazing family. Really, I've got one of those families where, if I were to write about it, people would criticize me for making it all too pretty. But, really, we're just ridiculously attractive people who love each other a lot.

Just kidding. The truth is, I had an amazing childhood, and I hope I can do as right by my kids as my parents did for me. And I love the holidays, because it reminds me how blessed I am, and how wonderful my life is and has always been.

We watched a lot of musicals growing up. (I know what you're thinking: nice segue. Yup. I'm a writer folks.). It takes a few bars of White Christmas or just a glimpse of Judy Garland to take me back to my youth. So, in honor of my wonderful family at Christmas time, I'm posting a couple songs from my favorite musicals. 

Merry Christmas to all of you! May 2011 bring joy and peace.

(PS, as a Christmas present I'm sure exclusively for me, Netflix just put Meet Me in St. Louis on their instant stream. I know)

1 comment:

Renee Collins said...

omg, I LOVE Meet me in St. Louis! It's a tragically overlooked classic. :)

Thanks for the clip, and have a fabulous Christmas!!